Destructive relationship patterns

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Destructive relationship patterns

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Destructive Relationship Patterns
Immediately after I watched the two videos, I talked to my friend about what I saw. When an individual enters in a relationship, they always feel they have found a love of their life. But this is not true; some people end up in healthy relationships while others find themselves in abusive relationships. The short films clearly show what it means to be in unhealthy relationships.
The Love Labyrinth film prompted me to ask my friend about which behavior is acceptable in a relationship. The young man in the video is verbally abusing his girlfriend for no good reason (One Love Foundation). My friend says that she only knows that relationship abuse is one that involves physical violence. I told her she should be aware of emotional and verbal abuse which at times can have more serious effects than physical abuse. The young man is trying to control the young lady and gets angry in a frightening manner. My friend finally realizes that experiencing such abuse can be harmful to one’s health.
I tried to engage my friend on how some partners use love statements to justify their abuses. Markedly, in the short video #, That’sNotLove campaign, relationship violence is portrayed in many forms including manipulation (One Love Foundation). I asked my friend whether his partner has ever used a love statement in an attempt to control her. She then replied by saying that he at times checks her text messages and says he loves…

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