De-identified data

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De-identified data

Category: Article Review

Subcategory: Ethics

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Is Sharing De-Identified Data Illegal?
[Student’s Full Name]
[Institution’s Name]
Sharing a patient’s sensible information must be done carefully. We have learned that unless the therapist gets a written consent from the patient or organization, those details susceptible to give an idea of the patient’s true identity. On the other hand, if there is a legal interest in the case, the therapist requires a legal authorization to disclose those details. However, it is important to note that if the patient’s condition can get worse because of the process of giving consent, the situation must be assessed before. In that way, the question of asking or providing consent when showing clinical records is an ethical matter that has to be determined to avoid decisions that would lead to the patient’s exploitation or harm. In this essay, we shall submit a description of the method we used to select the peer-reviewed article we have chosen. In the same way, we will write a description of how the article provides additional information on the issue of the informed consent in clinical writings.
We chose the article “Is Sharing De-identified Data Legal?” To find the article, we searched the databases of the Cobimet virtual library.
The report says that the most laws regarding therapist-patient confidentiality share a common theme, and that is that the disclosure of personal details is forbidden by the law. However, when the records are con…

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