Consumer Relations

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Consumer Relations

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Health

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Effective Consumer Relations
Institutional Affiliation
One of the most crucial aspects in the healthcare industry is consumer relations. Notably, healthcare providers understand the expectations and general attitude of their consumers through an analysis of consumer feedback data and surveys. In this case, the paper provides reviews data collected from patient surveys and provides an analysis to depict the most probable outcome towards consumer relations. Additionally, four aspects have been examined within the surveys. They include hospital cleanliness, overall patienmt satisfaction with doctors, average patient wait time and overall patient satisfaction with hospital. The analysis is done by comparing the aspects’ current performnace with the projected goal. The analysis finds out that average patient wait time was the hospital’s strength since the current performance was surpassed by two minutes which is less than the goal. The current performance of the overall patient satisfaction with doctors shows the hospital’s weakness as it’s at 7.6 which is 1.6 less than the goal. Overall satisfaction with the hospital could be transformed into a strength in patient satisfaction as it’s seen as an opportunity from its current performance which is 0.5 more than the hosptal’s goal.
Keywords: consumer relations, patients, satisfaction, performance, healthcare
Effective Consumer Relations
You are working as a manager in a local hospital. You rec…

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