Communication Critical thinking

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Communication Critical thinking

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Business Communication
Institution Affiliation
Communication in the business organization is essential since it shows the level of cooperation among the employees and the management in the firm. Most firms that experienced good progress normally have good communication among the employees and the employers. For instance, it is important for the management to effectively communicate with the employees concerning their weakness and check if there is an improvement with time. This communication enables the employees to see their areas of weaknesses and rectify them positively. This has been evident in a video where one of the management approaches an employee who has been doing poorly in her duty, but once they had the conversation, there was an improvement that was experienced (FIU, n.d.).
There should be communication among the management team in an organization as well. This makes it easy to make a proper decision that represents the whole management team. For instance, an organization should ensure that before any vital action is taken, the manager or the CEO of the firm should be informed about it. It is not effective to make a decision with only a few members of the management team. This has been portrayed a video where one of the employees was given a compulsory leaf without informing the manager about it (FIU, n.d.). This brought a controversial opinion regarding the decision making in that firm. Therefore, consultation is key in any decision-making process. A…

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