College Degree

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College Degree

Category: Analytical Essay

Subcategory: Finance

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

College Degree
Name: _________________________________
Topic: College Degree
General purpose: To persuade
Specific purpose: To cite specific importance college graduate get.
Attention Getter: Individuals should pay college fees.
Proposition: Failure to pay college fees is disadvantageous (Dolvin p.23).
Credibility: College graduate receive huge wages.
Preview your main points- These advantages prove need to have college education.
Transition statement: Are college fees worth paying them?
Pay college education despite it being expensive.
It is easier to secure a job compared to a high school graduate.
More knowledge, skills and exposure the reason they are preferred (Collins and Halverson p.76).
Unemployment rate among college graduate is lower compared to that of high school graduate.
Receive high wages (Blumenstyk p.37).
High wages equal better lifestyle.
High wages account for the high college fee
Transition statement: College education provides the opportunity to get a decent job.
College education is vital despite its cost.
Give one other advantages.
One is conversant with many things.
Research proves 90% of the college graduate have secured jobs while only 68% of the high school graduate have been employed.
Those who go to college have the ability to make better decision.
The environment at college allow one to be a creative thinker thus one stand a position of making crucial decision.
One is equipped with…

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