Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Person Centered therapy

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Person Centered therapy

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Comparing Counseling Approaches
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This paper focuses on two different counseling approaches; cognitive behavioral therapy and person-centered therapy. By definition, cognitive behavioral therapy is an approach that focuses on how an individual’s feelings are affected by their thoughts and how they perceive the different aspects of their lives (Dobson, & Dobson, 2018). On the other hand, person-centered therapy tends to focus more on the perception that all human beings are born with the ability to facilitate their psychological growth (Rogers, 2013). Both approaches ideally deal with a theoretical positivity that it is human nature to be able to determine what one is feeling, however, the differences between the two are manifested in the approaches and conversations that are held in the therapy sessions as will be demonstrated in the paragraphs below.
While the cognitive behavioral approach aims to change a person’s thinking by focusing and identifying the negative patterns of thought that have led to their current issues the person-centered approach applies more of the empathetic an understanding manner of dealing with the client’s issues. In cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), behavioral and mood tendencies are changed through the modification of thought patterns (Kimberly, 2016). While in CBT the therapist works with the client in the process, personal-centered therapy has the therapist support the client throughout th…

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