Classic Mesoamerica

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Classic Mesoamerica

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Classic Mesoamerica
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Classic Mesoamerica
The term classic refers to the archetypal elements that emerged and became synonymous with Mesoamerica between 250 CE and 900 CE. During this period, specific culture areas held considerable influence over marginal centers in the region. Mesoamerica developed significantly with communication networks connecting all the key areas. Also, the classic period recorded the emergence and establishment of the state-level political organization in select centers. In addition, a pan-Mesoamerican trade market scheme based on the varied infrastructure that surpassed linguistic and cultural constraints was developing (Findlay, 2017). This meant that there was considerable cultural interaction to form a typical Mesoamerican. As such, the period is considered classic because it represents a crucial time during the epitome of the Mayan civilization. The classic period was characterized with corbelled vault architecture, unique writing styles, polychrome ceramics, and key public architecture and monuments such as ball courts, pyramids, and palaces (Mesoamerican Research Centre, 2010).
The classic period of Mesoamerica is associated with the popular use of dated monuments and stelae. During the Classic Period, the seven territories exhibited critical developments in Maya civilization that were triggered by the consistent increase in population. The fundamentals of the tremendous monuments seen today s…

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