Cap and Trade Act

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Cap and Trade Act

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Finance

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Cap and Trade Bill.
The cap and trade bill proposed a system in which the American government would be able to a limit on the number of greenhouse gases released to the environment from industries. The cap system was made in such a way that it would reduce the number of greenhouse gases emitted over time and not instantly.
The provisions of this Bill include; it was a requirement for electricity providers to provide 20% of the total demand of electricity from them by use of renewable energy sources and provide the energy efficiency by the year 2020.
The bill was to help organizations, companies, and industries to pay for the new clean energy and the renewable energy sources to save on the capital to be used to obtain the latest technology.
Consumers were on the top list of protection from hiking of the energy prices. The system, in its effort to reduce carbon emissions to the environment, it was to cost an American family an amount less than the price of a postage stamp in one day and approximately, one hundred and sixty dollars a year.
It a 17% reduction of the total greenhouse gases would have to be observed from the year 2005 to the year 2020 and by the year 2050, the overall reduction of greenhouse gases in the environment would have been 83%.
Allocation of allowances to industries at 85% and the revenue obtained from these allowances were to be used to provide finance the efforts aimed at conservation of the tropical forest…

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