Broadening and Widening Security Studies

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Broadening and Widening Security Studies

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: International Relations

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name

The events of September 11, the hardest terror attack that hit the United States received mixed reactions by the ruling regime. There was discord in identifying who the real actors were and how the Iraq and Afghanistan played a role in acting on behalf of a bigger state actor. The individuals who perpetrated the attack were viewed as an independent entity without a central state regime associated with them at first and earlier steps taken after the attack concentrated on removing a statute involved in the attacks. The political differences at the time lacked a clear agenda to link the attacks to either Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein since some thought the two lacked sufficient capabilities to execute such an attack and under what motive. A microeconomics theory considered the Middle East states at more concerned with their survival and therefore unable to carry out an attack1.
Another debate focused on the growth of China and the threat it posed in the battle for superpower supremacy and what the future of the European Union in the grand scheme of power was. The United States viewed China as a threat to its position in the World, and therefore, it wasn’t impossible to rule out the role China had played in the 9/11 attack. This argument stood out because it showed the naivety that existed in the Bush administration regarding supremacy. The administration could rule out acts of a terror group and instead focus on a country, which was on…

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