Big Data

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Big Data

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The introduction of the big data is accompanied by several challenges since several employees in business firms were not ready for the change. Some of the employees viewed the big data to be confusing, difficult to use, and also time-consuming (“Big Data and the Democratisation of Decisions” 3). However, as time goes by, most companies see the value of the big data when it comes to the management of a business and also the management of the customers. The big data helps business firms to reach out to different customers easily as well as to analyze the task performed by the business and even the customers’ comments towards a particular product. The big data analysis also makes it easy when making the business decision in the firm and even when marketing some products. The big data is viewed to be more successful in large business firms due to the high amount of money it requires.
According to the information obtained from the big data, it indicates that when a new concept is brought in the firm, several people tend to oppose it due to the opposite nature to change. But as time went by, the majority tends to embrace the change and even prefer its use to the previous methods. Due to this human nature, change does not occur drastically.
From the article, it is clear that due to the advancement of technology and the expansion of the businesses around the world, it is effective if the businesses that…

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