Being You

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Being You

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Film and Theater

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Being you
Being You
Clock Phone Movie/media People Past Future
-The clock was slowly moving and not usually fast.
-Every minute grew longer. -I was very tempted to use the phone.
-It must be that am always used to using the phone -I would have done anything to watch a movie now. -Everyone is unique in their way.
-They seem to be in a jovial mood -I have nostalgic memories of my past.
-But I also have some regrets. -There is no way I can change the past, but I can look forward to a better future through planning.
-The future looks bright for humanity.
I believe I am unique as an individual.
I have my thoughts, freedom and choice. Therefore I am.
What did you notice about the experience of participating and writing the “Being You” paper?
I noticed that everybody had a unique personality and that they each had their unique way of showing them. For instance, some people were quiet and less social, probably owing to their introvert nature. However, others were the quite the opposite. I also noticed that if you sit and observe you will come to learn more about the world. This is probably how scientists knew so much; they talked less and observed more.
One thing that was queer was that time was unusually slow placed, especially when waiting/ doing nothing but observing. The feeling was more relaxing and peaceful than ever. I was engrossed in a deep, silent, and quiet thoughts that were stress-free. I also thought of my existence and how to con…

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