Avatar information Assignment Revised

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Avatar information Assignment Revised

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Your Avatar information
Name- Emma Schwarz
Fathers Occupation-Physician
Residence in 1914- Passau
Begin by filling in the missing information. Do you have brothers or sisters, how old are your parents?
Remember to document every one of your premises. Why do you think your pseudo-biography is plausible?
Each number scenario is a separate essay, but they all tie together. Here is information of story as of now
My name is Emma Schwarz, and I have two brothers and two sisters, my mother is 42 years old while my father is 52 years old. I believe that my biography plausible is because it relates to the things that people go through in life and therefore it gives hope for a better future to all those that read it. My town of residence has always been Passau as this was my parent’s birth place and so they never moved to any other town even after my siblings and I were born. My town was affected by the trends in Hagen because of the proximity between the two places and the movement of people between the two regions. The most significant trend that had a huge impact on my town was the agrarian revolution which brought about the rise and development of agriculture. This revolution begun in Hagen and later on spread to other small towns including my town and was widely embraced by many because it was an assurance of constant food supply
(Hagen, pp. 698) My family’s profession was that of art (though my father worked as a physician) whereby we …

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