Analysis of the Responses of Mangrove Ecosystems to Climate Change

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Analysis of the Responses of Mangrove Ecosystems to Climate Change

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Environment

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 550

The Response of Mangrove Ecosystems to Climate Change
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Analysis of the Response of Mangrove Ecosystems to Climate Change
Human factors such as deforestation and the continued use of fossil fuels have played a significant role in the adverse climatic changes in today’s world. With rapid emission of a myriad of greenhouse gases, the Earth’s surface temperature has risen to a hazardous level today. Irrespective of growing global efforts towards environmental conservation, humans are still engaging in harmful activities that have made it difficult for natural ecosystems to tolerate the consequences of climate change. Notably, mangroves, which benefit both humans and other species have been the worst affected over the past few decades. In this report, the authors review the effect of climate change on the mangrove ecosystem based on a variety of environmental factors. Specifically, they focus on the impact of temperature change, sea-level rise, storminess, precipitation changes, and related climatic changes. Since human activities are responsible for the rapid climate change in the modern world, interventions associated with population control, neo-ecological measures, and increased nutrient sources will only slow down highly vulnerable areas. Environmental sustainability can just be realized if human beings stop engaging in environmentally-degrading activities.
Human beings encroach mangroves to access freshwater wetlands a…

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