American Diversity

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American Diversity

Category: Proofreading

Subcategory: History

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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American Diversity
The New World
The new world refers to the western hemisphere of the earth and specifically America as well as the neighboring islands. This region is inhabited by people of different racial groups, cultural groups, ethnical groups, gender, age as well as class. For the case of race, the new world comprises of White Americans who are also referred to as European Americans, African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian, Hispanics, Middle Eastern Americans and others (Locke and Wright 5). These people claim different cultures and subscribe to different religious groups. They coexist and share most of the socioeconomic issues. They share schools, work in the same organizations and uplift each other in various sectors of the society.
Colliding Cultures
Despite the coexistence between the different races and therefore cultures in America, there are some groups of people who have remained in disagreements. For instance, African Americans and European America have different ideologies and therefore culture since the days of slavery. While the African Americans claim that the latter subjected them to forced labor, the African Americans themselves have held a grudge because of the discrimination that they faced during and after slavery (Locke and Wright 34). Also, the Native Americans and European Americans have had a cold relationship and therefore uphold different aspects…

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