ACSM Position Statement: Weight Loss in Wrestlers

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ACSM Position Statement: Weight Loss in Wrestlers

Category: Case Study

Subcategory: Nutrition and Diet

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Weight Loss in Wrestlers
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Weight Loss in Wrestlers
Wrestlers spend a great deal of time and resources trying to gain weight and build muscle which is good for their career. Unfortunately, some try to lose weight shortly before competitions in order to compete in lower weight classes with much muscle and increase their chances of winning. These dangerous practices have been gaining traction among high school wrestlers and thus becoming a subject of concern among parents, health professionals, and educators (Oppliger, Case, Horswill, Landry, & Shelter, 1996). The wrestlers end up using dangerous methods of ‘cutting weight’ that adversely affect their health during the time of competing and afterward.
The young wrestlers use potentially dangerous methods of cutting weights such as food and fluid deprivation, restriction to certain vital foods such as fats and vigorous exercises. These practices have severe implications for the wrestler’s performance as they result in lower muscle glycogen and water level as well as reducing lean body mass (Oppliger et al., 2016). The consequently create water, glycogen and electrolyte imbalance that undermines the wrestler’s performance.
This same phenomenon of weight loss is common and spans across all sporting activities including athletes. Athletes employ the rapid weight cutting techniques and consequently undermining their performance. Internal homeostatic equilibrium is vital f…

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