A compelling Bio for an aspiring modern fingerstyle guitarist

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A compelling Bio for an aspiring modern fingerstyle guitarist

Category: Biographies

Subcategory: Music

Level: PhD

Pages: 1

Words: 275

John Evergon is a hopeful fingerstyle guitarist born in the Eastern part of Europe. His guitar compositions mirror a colorful blend of different styles and techniques while his music captures listeners’ attention with its unique, odd time signatures.
John traces his obsession with music from his childhood where he admired his grandmother’s voice who sang in the church choir. At eleven years old, John began playing both the piano and the accordion and soon enough switched to the guitar. At school, he also featured in a band that performed at different events. John perfected his guitar skills by learning classical and fingerstyle from his music teacher who introduced him to blues and jazz genres.
John’s enthusiasm for music also saw him put together a remarkable collection of discs by musical greats Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Elton John, among others. His career in music peaked when he moved to the capital of his birth country, and featured in several progressive rock bands where he composed distinctive melodies and lyrics to various tunes and played at numerous events.
As the internet era emerged, he switched back to the fingerstyle guitar after discovering guitar sensations Tommy Emmanuel, Jim Volk, and Don Ross while continuing to listen to his favorite music genres – the progressive rock and smooth jazz. John recently moved to Portland, Oregon and its magnificent landscape and diverse nature inspired him to write modern, energetic rhythms with impressive percus…

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