WordASN-FirstInitialFullLastName Sect.#

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WordASN-FirstInitialFullLastName Sect.#

Category: Problem solving

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Glen Morris Diabetes Association
Preventative Approach
New Initiatives to Avoid, Reduce, and Manage Diabetes
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The Canadian Diabetes Association and member associations across Canada have and continue to understand the value of funding diabetes research. It is such a crucial step in providing these advances and each year the Canadian Diabetes Association funds Canada’s most renowned scientists and clinicians in their quest for new and innovative developments in the prevention, treatment, and management of diabetes all of which every study and researcher remain the same – to improve the quality of life of people living with diabetes and to find a cure.
As result of the Canadian Diabetes National Conference held in February 2014, local Diabetes Associations have been challenged by the National Association to take back to their respective Board of Directors, the need to plan and budget for new initiatives that can help to reduce the continuing increase of diabetes. The new initiatives getting all the attention at the conference were those that focused on the preventative approach to help avoid, reduce and manage diabetes.
Emerging Research
The scope of diabetes research in Canada has been immense. The pioneering research funded by the CDA has contributed to key advances in mapping and understanding the physiology, biochemistry, and genetics of the disease. As a result, some new initiatives…

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