Women in the society revision

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Women in the society revision

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Gender and Sex

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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A woman’s place in the society
Kate Chopin “The Story of an Hour” is a story of a woman by the name Mrs. Mallard who is imprisoned by her conscience, marriage and the society. However, through the reported death of her husband, she experiences true freedom after many days of struggle (Chopin, 16). In the story, the purported death of Mr. Mallard led to a short freedom to the wife. Mrs. Mallard had been a slave to the husband and society for a long time and when she received information that the husband is dead a lot of things changed. She was now free and this made her celebrate with a lot of joy. However, the joy that came with the death of the husband turns out to be the cause of her death. The husband was not involved in the reported accident. She comes home happy and on seeing the husband she collapses and dies. The doctor confirms that the cause of her death was heart attack probably caused by the joy she had before. Therefore, from the story, it is evident that the fake news of her husband’s death caused Mrs. Mallard to die later.
In the late 18th century, the life of women in the society was not different from the scenario of Mrs. Mallard. Women were expected to be subjects to men. They had no say in the society when it came to decision making as their only place was the kitchen. That’s why it was hard for a woman to seek for a divorce despite suffer…

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