why should school students wear uniform

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why should school students wear uniform

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Astronomy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Importance of school uniform
Debates on students wearing school uniform especially for pupils attending public schools have been on the rise in the recent past. Those promoting school uniforms base their claim on its advantages such as simplifying the regular routines of children and creating an even playing field which can be achieved through the dressing culture. However, those that oppose this movement claiming that school uniforms do not help in aspects such as preventing bullying.
Despite these divergent opinions, school uniforms eliminate competition to dress. The price of clothes has become a status symbol; this creates the urge to wear specific brands or stick to current fashion trends which might pose a significant problem among school children due to high levels of peer pressure. Kids whose parents can comfortably buy them the expensive brands might consider themselves superior to children whose parents can only afford the ordinary brands. Concentrating on clothing instead of education might affect academic performance negatively.
Schools whose student wear uniforms have a simplified dress code. Schools without uniform have to create policies that give information on what type of clothing is allowed and what is not. Some of the rules address gang colors or symbols, offensive text, visible logos and modesty issues (Kouzmine n.p.). Teachers are given an extra duty of ensuring that students do not violate these regulations. However, al…

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