Why are religion and magic universal? Why do sport figures rely on magic? How does interviewing help us better understand the challenges facing the fishermen in Belford? What is the role of an intervi

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Why are religion and magic universal? Why do sport figures rely on magic? How does interviewing help us better understand the challenges facing the fishermen in Belford? What is the role of an intervi

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Religion and magic are universal because of the intrinsic need for human beings to understand the supernatural. Both religion and magic seek to examine what is beyond to the norm by transcending the reality. Apparently, most cultures hold the view that human beings have the powers to influence mystical powers of religion or magic through prayers or spell casting. However, there is an element of amusement or entertainment in magic, and that is the reason sports figures tend to rely on magic. Unlike religion that is strict on issues of morality, magic is only concerned with the creation of an illusion to the audience.
Interviewing helps us understand the challenges facing the fishermen in Belford because it offers a first-hand perspective. Using the interviews, it was possible to collect the views of several fishermen from the area on the challenges they are facing. Eventually, it is possible to identify a common problem that affects the majority of the fishermen based on the interviews. Most importantly, the use of interviews allows the researcher to ask detailed questions to the fishermen and get comprehensive data about their challenges.
Interviews play an integral role in anthropological fieldwork. According to Bernard, field researchers in anthropology cannot rely on observation only (11). They have to interview the local population and gain insight from the explanations offered by the host community…

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