what aspects of this new planet would you look for to ensure the survivability of our species?

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what aspects of this new planet would you look for to ensure the survivability of our species?

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Geology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Aspects of a New Planet Habitability
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The paper explores to expound on some of the critical things that would help in the establishment of a habitable planet by cross-examining the Interstellar movie. Miller planet is spacious and old enough to support life. Therefore, unlike other young planets, Miller’s world does not experience formation activities such as volcanoes which put life into danger (Thorne, 2014). The atmosphere composition also happens to be an aspect of consideration because life largely depends on oxygen and carbon. Atmosphere composition of hazardous gases would put the species survival at risk. The distance from the sun serves an essential purpose in determining the habitability of a planet. Short distance to the sun would cause effects of a runaway greenhouse which would dry out the water like in Venus. Having the body a bit far, it would experience minimal greenhouse effects resulting in a pleasant climate similar to earth (Petigura, Howard & Marcy, 2013). However, from the movie, Miller planet is at a distance from the sun which makes it contain mass water bodies.
The type of the sun the planet orbits translates to the kind and concentration of rays and light it receives. Identifying the sun type is of importance because different ray’s levels are life-threatening. According to the movie, Miller’s planet does not orbit any star, and thus its light comes from Gargantua’s accret…

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