WEB DuBois

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WEB DuBois

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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How W.E.B Du Bois Influenced African American Education
William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B) Du Bois, was a writer and teacher of African-American origin. He was also known for his sociological work, as well as civic activism. His contribution had a significant impact on the perception of black citizens living in the United States. He influenced the African-American population, and the entire world of sociology, by employing data to solve social issues. His book, The Souls of Black Folk, was revered by all those that sought to one day make such an impact in the society. This article evaluates why his life had such a massive impact on the lives and education of African Americans (Du Bois 120).
Du Bois was an inspiration, and driving force behind the evolution of the education of African Americans, even though the world knew him better for his civic contributions as opposed to his educational milestones. He was a living embodiment of diligence, who was not only curious, like any other scholar, but he had a deep passion for exploration. It is in his pursuit that he was able to find a way to use statistical analysis to solve social issues. Hitherto, scholars had only evaluated the emotional, social and political implications any social concern. As expected, due to a foreseeable conflict of ideas and opinions, this method was hardly efficient. The invention of the statistical approach was welcomed by scholars worldwide. Du…

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