Warren Sharpe Community center

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Warren Sharpe Community center

Category: Informative Essay

Subcategory: Visual Arts

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

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Warren-Sharpe Community Center
Warren-Sharpe Community Center is an organization that offers various programs that include Kids in the kitchen, Ride it out Fitness, and the Community Garden for Children. The Ride it out Fitness Program is mainly designed for children who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or the children who are at a risk of contracting the disease (Huebner 15). The program, The Kids in the Kitchen, is a six weeks nutrition and cooking class, and it is basically for parents and their children. It focuses on the consumption of vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains and families are taught the various methods on how to prepare healthy and delicious meals. After the course, children host a ceremonial dinner at the center for their family.
The Warren Sharpe Foundation is extremely passionate about tackling the food insecurities within its proximity. Additionally, the Children’s Community Garden is a venture that is premeditated to teach the youth on the matters to do with choosing healthy food, agriculture, and to increase the activities that involve physique together with giving support to the food pantry. Also, the center has been supporting several households with clothing, food, and school supplies.
The Public Problem being addressed by the Organization: The organization addresses poverty affecting children within its locality and is more focused on the provision of healthy food to such children. …

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