W7 DQ2 Policy Formation and Implementation

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W7 DQ2 Policy Formation and Implementation

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Policy Formation and Implementation

Policy Formation and Implementation
It is often hard and complicated to develop a culture of integrity in a department and to maintain the trust of the community, safe population and efficient policing. Fundamentally, a distinctly elaborated standard that controls all the activities done by the members in a department does create an environment of trust from the population. This paper will discuss how the right department policies can help gain trust in police and establishing respect and deference to their authority that is required to maintain police safety and effectiveness.
There are several things police department can practice that can develop trust and legitimacy with the community. Firstly, when the population is aware of the policies used by the police to follow those systems and offer punishment to those officers who do not adhere to the procedures, then the people will start trusting the police who are hired to protect and serve them (Zimmerman & Kness, 2015). Secondly, it is essential for the police to engage with the community they serve in non-enforcement activities. Indeed this will portray them as the guardian of the people. Further, in a diverse community, it is essential for the police force to have the phase of the population that is cultural, race and gender. With this, the police force creates an environment of trust and respect.
Community policing and crime prevention can be used to gain …

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