W.E.B. Du Bois Of out Spiritual Strivings

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W.E.B. Du Bois Of out Spiritual Strivings

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Of Our Spiritual StrivingOver the years, African American have used their color to belittle themselves. They consider themselves to be inferior to their white counterparts. Notably, this notion has in the past affected the African Americans to the extent that they fear being seen in public fighting for what they believe to be right. Worse still, they tend to view themselves as “second-class” citizens while considering their white counterparts “first class” citizens. While there may exist equal places or chances for both of them to take up leadership positions or roles in the community, they tend to shy away from these roles in the society as they would prefer to act as servants to the white people rather than lead or share leadership roles with them. In other words, the African American struggle to accept that they are all born equal, and hence they are in no means inferior to the white people.
Du Bois in his writing “Of Our Spiritual Strivings” cites that the African American tend to ask themselves “Why did God make me an outcast and a stranger in my own house?” (Bartleby.com 1). In other words, African Americans tend to feel that they are a problem in society and that white people are more superior to them. In explaining why, the African Americans feel this way, Du Bois applies the concept of the Veil. In this sense, he states that the African American always live with the notion that they are different from others especially their white count…

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