Victorian Era

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Victorian Era

Category: Editing

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

How Feminism has changed for the past Fifty Years
Currently, women enjoy as many privileges as men, and all this can be attributed to a leap of faith. Feminism refers to a collection of various movements and philosophies that target establishing, defining and protecting social, politic and economic rights of women. It advocates for equality in all spheres of human activities. Apparently, feminism aims at removing the discriminatory barrier that exists in a society which is mostly dominated by men. This essay will explore the political and social boundaries of feminism for the past fifty years, such as new conceptions of women formed at the turn of the twentieth century.
During the Victorian era, women’s roles were more defined and confined to the home setting due to male dominance. Some roles were solely seen to be accomplished by a specific gender and hence breaking of such a culture was deemed criminal. However, in the 19th century, both male and females worked alongside each other in most family businesses. Women used to serve customers and keep business records and at the same time performed domestic duties. As time progressed and industrial revolution took root in many parts of the continent, men began moving for long distances to their places of work. The normal cycle of men and women working alongside each other was interrupted. Women, daughters, and wives began to stay at home to oversee the domestic choirs. For the lu…

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