Urban Studies Definition essay

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Urban Studies Definition essay

Category: Definition Essay

Subcategory: Urban Studies

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The language has stood a big legacy as a symbol of cohesion and interaction to many people. This has clarified by the quote of Melina Marchetta “Because, without our language, we have lost ourselves. Who are we without our words?” It indicates the extent of the significance of the language in every aspect of daily life.
A human being has been termed to be a unique creature that came up with the mode of communication more than signals as it is for the rest of the animals. The speech of the human being differs completely with the physical way the animals communicate with each other. The origin is the cortical speech center which in reality does not react instinctively. The mode that it applies is the organization of the sound and their meaning. On the other hand, the brain section to the human beings is different on how the language develops. The evolution of the language has been a long process. The matter that substantiates the statement well is the language spoken by ancestors millions of years ago in comparison with the present language, had slower delivery and fewer vocabularies than the current language(Corballis, 230).
Currently, the languages spoken across the globe are approximately 5000. Third of all these languages are based in Africa. Almost twenty of these languages are linked and share some common vocabularies. Based on the history, the members who share the common language in the socie…

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