Unnatural Causes Health Disparities

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Unnatural Causes Health Disparities

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Unnatural Causes – Health Disparities
Unnatural Causes – Health Disparities
Question One
Environments have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of the people who live in a particular habitat. The impact can arise from both the natural and human-made (anthropogenic) aspects. The natural factors affecting people in places where they live include occurrences such as hurricanes, flooding, droughts, and the overall elements of weather. The anthropogenic factors are the adverse effects such as pollution due to human activities such as the emission of toxic substances into the environment. The emitted industrial wastes can lead to health complications and adversity on the biodiversity like deaths of animals and plants. In the case of Louisville’s Rubbertown neighborhood, the effect of emissions is demonstrated in the residents’ complaints regarding the toxic emissions leading to health complications such as asthma, seizures, and lack of fruit trees (California Newsreel, 2014). The residents of Rubbertown live in an industrial neighborhood and are exposed to various chemicals that expose them to hazards such as explosion risks.
Question 2
The problems facing the people in the case Louisville are due to the fact that the individuals do not have resources to move out of their residents and relocate to new neighborhoods that are free from environmental pollution. The solutions provided to the affected people should be based on efforts towards the…

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