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Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Economics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Institution Affiliation
It is impossible that a country will ever get to 0% unemployment rate. In the past, there is no economy that has successfully done this and it is predicted that no economy can fully achieve and maintain such a rate. The main reason is that there are some types of unemployment that are considered to be natural and hence will always occur from time to time. One example is frictional unemployment, when workers live their jobs but have not found another job yet. This leaving mostly happens voluntarily or even due to things such as mothers going on maternity leave and taking time before returning. There is also a period when students are unemployed after leaving the university and hence this means there will always be some people that are unemployed. The frictional unemployment is mostly short-term and is due to the process of job search (Pigou, 2017). Structural unemployment is also a natural type that occurs when the skills of individuals and skills needed in the job market do not match. With these two, unemployment will always exist in any job market.
In my opinion, the process used to measure unemployment can yield accurate results under the considered circumstances. In the current method, unemployment is measured as a percentage of the number of people that are without a job but are actively searching for work and willing to do one when it comes up (Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Camm, & Cochran, 2016). This numb…

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