Underfunding In Sports

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Underfunding In Sports

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Ecology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Editor,
Dear editor,
Subject: Underfunding of some sports activity.
Sports has many benefits to the society, the country, the world and to person’s level. The young generation is the one hard hit by the issue of underfunding of the sports, and I would like to raise my thoughts on the subject.
Following an example from the UK, the government there expected to bring medals back home. That, however, did not happen and according to the allegations, the government’s obsession with bringing back medals is the primary cause for that (Kelner, 1). They have an obsession, but they do not invest in sports for them to get the medals. Though the government has seen an increase in other games, athletes are left out unfunded hence the low performance. They direct concentration to established athletes who at a glance are almost retiring, and their performance is not that appealing. The situation not only affects the UK but many parts of the world, where support regarding funds is yet to be effective.
Many firms such as the Guardian are now writing to make the world aware of the situation. Many parts of the world are already aware of that but have not yet taken action. An action will encourage many potential sports personnel who will now get back and keep the flags of their specific countries high up. According to the Guardian, in London 2012, UK funded 18 out of 26 games that were present (…

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