U.S. HistoryState of Georgia Civil War Alexander Stephens (See Instructions)

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U.S. HistoryState of Georgia Civil War Alexander Stephens (See Instructions)

Category: Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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State of Georgia Civil War: Alexander Stephens
As the video was taking us through the history of Georgia, there was a mention of Alexander Stephens. He was described as a moderate, and a friend of Abraham Lincoln, who went on to become the vice president of the Confederacy states after secession. (“Biography: Alexander Stephens” para. 6). Alexander Stephens was central in the debate on secession and the rights of African Americans. He was born in Crawfordville, Georgia in 1812. He had a difficult childhood: both of his parents died when he was still young, and he had multiple juvenile illnesses. Despite that, he went on to build a successful career as a lawyer and politician.
At first, Stephens was opposed to secession. However, he became one of the most vocal defendants of the separation. During the early period of the civil war, he held rallies all over Georgia defending the secession and speaking against African Americans’ civil rights. His firm stand earned him respect and recognition in Georgia. In 1861, he was elected a delegate to the Georgia Secession Convention (“Biography: Alexander Stephens” para. 4). Later that year, he became the vice president of the Confederacy.
According to Alexander Stephens, secession was necessary because the constitutional rights of the southerners had been consistently violated (Stephens 27). The popularity that Alexander earned during and after the civil war c…

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