Traumatic Brain Injury.(M4)

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Traumatic Brain Injury.(M4)

Category: Biographies

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Traumatic Brain Injury
Student’s Name
Course Number
Case Study
John Doe, a 46-year-old male was involved in a motorbike accident that led to a closed head injury. The injury was severe since he was not wearing a helmet. A passerby noticed he had lost consciousness and called an ambulance and John was taken to the hospital. At the emergency department, nurses gave him first aid and then took him to the operating room where multiple specialists assessed his injuries using the Computerized tomography (CT) scan. The findings revealed that John had sustained right epidural hematoma, diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage, skull fracture, and concussion. Nurses gave him comma inducing drugs before undergoing an invasive surgical procedure to remove the blood clots, repair the fractures and stop bleeding. The patient recovered but had numerous incidents of memory lapse, concussion, and dizziness.
Is there any point in working towards an end that is focused solely on mortality?
There is no point in focusing on reducing mortality while neglecting other complications that may manifest as a result of the TBI. The treatment interventions outlined in the above case study are aimed at reducing mortality rates. They focus on mending the fracture, stopping bleeding and removing blood clots. All these interventions are meant to address immediate pain and suffering after the injury rather than taking into considerations the long-term effects of the Traumatic Brain Injury on the victim. Tre…

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