toxicology revised

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toxicology revised

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Institutional Affiliation

Diethyl Phthalate
This is a chemical that is common in everyday substances. It is used in the making of household perfumes, air fresheners and numerous other products that come in aerosol forms. In pure form, the chemical is toxic (“Diethyl Phthalate”, 2018).
Route and Duration of Exposure
There are numerous pathways through which one can get contaminated with the chemical. Any contact with the chemical results in contamination. This includes contact with skin, inhalation, eyes, and ingestion (“ATSDR – Public Health Statement: Diethyl phthalate”, 2018). The duration that is needed to cause contamination depends on the concentration of the subject with a 48-hour duration anticipated at 2% concentration.
The most common symptoms of contamination with diethyl phthalate include dizziness, headaches, teas formations, vestibular dysfunction, spasms in arms and legs, numbness, pain, nausea, and polyneuropathy. If an individual is exposed to the chemical repeatedly, the can develop central nervous complications and asthma-like complications (“ATSDR – Public Health Statement: Diethyl phthalate”, 2018).
This chemical is a teratogen. This is a term that is used to define compounds that might have particular impacts on the fetuses if used by pregnant organisms. In an experiment where mice were treated with the chemical, skeletal deformities were observed in the fetuses.
The acute oral toxicity for an anima…

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