This essay is over Aristotle

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This essay is over Aristotle

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Ethics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

According to Aristotle, the noblest virtue is contemplative. One reason he gives for this is the self-sufficiency of the contemplative life. Explain.
Aristotle brings out the idea of self- dependency through leading a contemplative life by using several illustrations. Among the key examples he uses while establishing his theory, is the description of the concept of virtue in connection to the soul of a human being. He distinguishes the human soul into three types that include the desiring soul, the nutritive soul as well as the rational soul. According to the rationale used by Aristotle, the soul is very critical in the human life because it is the defining element that differentiates human beings from other living things. The uniqueness of the soul sets us apart from other earthy creatures and thus serves as the function of life. Aristotle argues that happiness is an association with only those people who desire in themselves but not those who look desirable due to other causes because joy is in itself self-sufficient (Hardie 58).
Further, Aristotle asserts that the concept of pleasure comprises of two classifications that includes good pleasure as well as bad pleasure. These dissimilar types do not exist in equilibrium with each other because human beings will not accept particular lifestyles regardless of the amount of happiness they bring upon them. Aristotle notes that the fulfillment of pleasure is a product of a continuous process, w…

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