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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Compare and Contrast “The Yellow Wallpaper” with “Necklace”
The Yellow Wallpaper is authored by an American writer, Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The narrator of this story is a woman who feels that her husband is not taking her health seriously. The Necklace is written by Guy de Maupassant, a French writer. The story revolves around a young woman who wishes she had been born in a wealthy family. This paper aims to identify the similarities and differences between these two short stories.
Gilman’s story is similar to Maupassant’s story in that they both discuss the issues faced by women in a male-dominated society. These stories were published in the 19th century when women were seen as lesser creatures than men. In both stories, men are depicted as being more powerful than a woman. Another similarity is that in both stories, the main character is a woman. The authors of these stories use various literary devices including symbolism to express their ideas. For instance, the writers use symbols to show how women are controlled by their husbands.
The two stories are believed to be the most popular of the two authors. However, most of the themes discussed in the Yellow Wallpaper differ with those in the Necklace. Evidently, some of the themes in Gilman’s work include freedom, confinement, and madness. The themes discussed in the Necklace include beauty and happiness. Moreover, the themes of marriage, gender, and social class are discussed in both stories.
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