The Purpose of Narrative Writing

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The Purpose of Narrative Writing

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Brainstorming helps one develop creative ideas before writing. Where was the location?
Who accompanied me?
What was the feeling?
Which events transpired?
Prewriting: vacation
Being a college student with plenty of cash, I had a dream of going on an adventure. Growing up my next-door-neighbor vacationed the Savannas numerous times and came back with stories. The idea was to visit in November and had booked a plane ticket a month ahead. The day was here. I had been with my roomie for the five days. We left for the airport and boarded a twenty-hour flight to the east part of Africa. The smiles across our faces were apparent when the guide told us about visiting the Mara. In interest, I possessed knowledge that this was the best region to observe wildebeest journey. We went to some hotel ate our dinner, and had a good sleep. Daybreak reached, I was anxious this was my ideal safari for it was one of the seven new sensations of the world. Yearly, one and a half million wildebeest, antelopes and zebras move across the Mara and Serengeti in search for pasture. They leave Tanzania towards Kenya in July and later return to the Serengeti due to the dry savanna plain (Chadbon para.15). A guide stated that what motivates the migration of the herd each year is not understood. The herd face danger from predators awaiting the unsuspecting animals by strategically covering in the towering grass. Also, the Nile crocodile poses a threat as the herd crosses the river itself (…

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