The Necessary Art of Persuasion

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The Necessary Art of Persuasion

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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23 July 2018
The Necessary Art of Persuasion
In his book “The Necessary Art of Persuasion” Conger (1998) argues that employees, nowadays, ought to be treated by their managers in a respectful manner that shows an appreciation of their intelligence, in contrast to the past when managers felt entitled to order their subordinates to carry out whatever it was they wanted them to. The “command and control managerial model” (Conger 86), is no longer effective because in our day and age, partly as a result of the lack of clear definitions of the hierarchical roles in the workplace, employees need to know the reasons behind their boss’s requirements or instructions.
Demonstrating that one is an expert in his or her field is important in the persuasion process; Conger himself hints at his own expertise and therefore has the required credibility and a good chance of persuading us with his own arguments by reference to his research results. By claiming that through research that he carried out over a period of time he had actually learned a great deal from business people and found out, for example, that managers tend to consider themselves more credible than they really are, he appeals to our logic and suggests to us that what he says must be true since it is based on his empirical observations.
Conger’s basis of his argument that employees are intelligent people who demand to be treated as such by their boss invo…

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