The Korean peninsula is a continuing problem in eastAsia. why?.

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The Korean peninsula is a continuing problem in eastAsia. why?.

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Geography

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Korean Peninsula
Since the start of the crisis in Korea, there have been many problems that include the deaths of many people that are affected by the disagreement between Korea and other nations including US specifically. It is a continuing challenge because it has various adverse effects that include the following.
Firstly, there is an agreement that the main aim of the Korean government is to attain a goal of hitting the whole United States with nuclear weapons. It has a big challenge especially to the American government. It can be argued that the state uses much of their money to acquire weapons that can be used to defend their country. Through this, it is possible that the funds that are used by government to buy weapon could be used for development.
Again, it makes people live in uncertainties as everyone is afraid of being attacked. It therefore divides the minds of the citizens. In addition, it brings about hatred among people from different communities especially from the two communities that have the problem. Another argument is that the problem arises when the government concentrates much on how to prevent the attack by nuclear bomb rather than focusing on developing the economy (Acharya, 79). Therefore, the growth will be moving slowly because the attention of the nation is diverted towards the ways in which the security of the country can be improved. Lastly, it should be noted that the gases emitted during nuclear bombing may affect both the living and t…

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