The importance of a good attitude

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The importance of a good attitude

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Importance of a Good Attitude
An attitude is a feeling or a point of view of an individual or people towards a particular idea, thought or action. Anybody point of view can be positive or negative, and it determines how people respond to various situations. Amongst other benefits, it is always good to have a positive attitude because it contributes positively to one’s life regarding personal relationships, job opportunities, and health and achieving set objectives.
People appreciate being surrounded by characters who have the right attitude because it motivates them even when they are in low moods (Foreman 945). A healthy conversation from a person with an excellent approach lifts one’s spirits and leads to effective networking which often results to a positive attitude towards things that may seem discouraging.
A right attitude helps one land to a job and entrepreneurial opportunities that seem very risky to establish an investment. A positive attitude encourages one to have an open mind which is easily approachable by other entrepreneurs. One can gain a lot from beneficial individuals in the society who aim at having people with a winning attitude in their social network. It is easy to control the nervousness during an interview and have a positive presentation (Foreman 941). Employers target characters with the right approach so that they can inspire their colleagues to achieve the set…

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