The Harlem Renaissance

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The Harlem Renaissance

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Course Title:
Classic English Literature – The Harlem Renaissance
The early periods of the 1900s saw a massive shift of African-Americans from the southern United States to the Northern and Mid-Western locations. The shift in population led to a robust population outburst in major cities including Harlem. For the first time, the census showed that almost half of the American populations lived in cities and there were approximately 115 cities with over 100,000 people (NAAL 2053). It is recorded that in 1920, approximately 87,000 African-Americans moved into Harlem. And in the following periods of the 1910s to 1930s, the census showed that almost 1.5 million African Americans migrated from the southern parts to the Mid-Western and northern cities. It must be noted that the main reason for this massive migration was a result of poor working conditions in the South. The rising demand for labor and the ever-growing industrialization of the northern US attracted intellectually black workers leading to what is termed as the New Negro Renaissance or the Harlem Renaissance.
The prompt given in the module notes that according to Alaine Locke, the Harlem city developed promptly as an artistic center (NAAL 2056). There was also a massive rise in different fields of human endeavor like music, literature, art, and politics as African-American intellectual thoughts moved from the south to the north. As a marker for black intellectual thought, the Harlem Re…

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