The day i got my first job

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The day i got my first job

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student Name
The Day I got my First Job in a Day Care.
In the journey of trying to make it in life, it is always easy to receive discouragement from people, you may surrender or even doubt whether you would be able to achieve your goals. This is how I landed my first Job in a day care while still in school.
It was during holidays, we had to travelled back home. On Sunday I met Sarah in church. She was the manager of St. John kindergarten. I am studying psychology. I asked her if she could allow me help in her kindergarten. She told me that she would let me know. I gave her my number so that in case there was a vacancy in her school she could let me know. I waited for one week, she never called or sent me a text message to inform me if there was any vacant position in the school. I had given up.
The following evening she called me, told me that she needed someone who could coach the younger kids in the day care section. That is how I landed my first job. I was very excited for the good news. I reported the following morning and started performing my duties. I never wanted to disappoint her, so I had to do my best.
One afternoon the school manager called me to her office. I had been in the institution for a week now. When I got to her office she happily welcomed me and told me to take a seat. She informed me that she was impressed on how I was dedicated to my duties when coaching the children. She told me that she was giving me a promotion. I w…

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