The current public image of nursing and how the events in history have formed that image.

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The current public image of nursing and how the events in history have formed that image.

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Current Public Image of Nursing
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Current Public Image of Nursing
The field of nursing has evolved over the years to factor in significant developments that have been propelled by the increasing changes in technology, reorganization of the healthcare systems and general service delivery. Technology and necessity have facilitated improvement in service delivery. Nursing refers to the science of providing professional and personal care to the sick for the purpose of enhancing their health. It can either be practised in hospitals or the patient’s homes. While there have been notable advancements in nursing, the public perception of the profession does not match the actual degree of professionalism that is practised in the field.
Professional nursing is approximated to have begun in the 19th century where it was either practised in hospitals or homes of the ailing patients. Florence Nightingale is said to be among the first nurses to provide these services. While attending to the sick, Nightingale noted the need for personalized and comprehensive care for the patients who included British soldiers injured in war. As a result, the patients would also be able to take care of themselves instead of waiting for the nurses’ help.
Institutionalization of nursing has faced various challenges since it is perceived as a medical profession. The media further, portrays nurses as people who provide routine tasks alongside doctors. Thus, th…

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