The Child Responds to Literature

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The Child Responds to Literature

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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“Through the Eyes of a Child” by Donna E. Norton.
Norton in his article Through the Eyes of a Child explores the history of children literature and how children in the past have been responding to concepts and issues contained in literature. Norton (26) provides guidance on how people can evaluate and choose the best literature items that suit children. As a result, he explains the necessary elements and features a book that suites each age of a child will improve the intellectual abilities and how it will develop them emotionally. Furthermore, he explains that children at different age bracket react differently to various texts and there are some that might not suit them at all. During the development of a child, Norton (31) recommends the use of children books with few words and many pictures since their minds tend to grasp more from images than written words. Furthermore, he states that parents should opt for emotional books on an issue related to love and friendship to assist the child in building the social skills and develop the need to associate with other people. Norton outlines the primary emotional stages that children go through about understanding literature. The first stage is the exploratory stage. In this stage, the children familiarize themselves and become comfortable with the writing. The second stage is the testing stage where they test the literature to confirm if they can understand it. The…

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