Textbook Assignment

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Textbook Assignment

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Textbook Assignment
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Textbook Assignment
From the Locke Reading:
Refer particularly to what is said under Chapter 1 heading, numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5. What do you think Locke means by ‘sensible external objects’? After explaining this, offer an example of a sensible external object. Discuss in at least a paragraph.

From the reading, “external sensible objects” are those aspects or materials whose sensations are acquired sensory organs (Berkeley, 1871). An example of this object is a car. The car is a sensible external object because its sensation is acquired through all the senses. It can be seen, heard, and felt. It appears real and can be described as it is.

From the Berkeley Reading:
Refer particularly to what is said in numbers 4, 8, 18, 20, 22, and 23. Do you think Berkeley believes that sensible external objects exist? Why or why not? After explaining your answer, describe what you think the world must be like if Berkeley is correct. Discuss in at least a paragraph.

Berkeley’s reading indicates that sensible external objects do not exist. According to him, the human mind only perceived the images of objects (Berkeley, 1871). Since Berkeley believes that sensible objects are unavailable in the world, if his argument was correct, the world would be without any physical objects. We could never have touched, smelled, felt, hear or see anything.
Consider this image while answering the following quest…

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