Terrorist Financing and the Role of the Media

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Terrorist Financing and the Role of the Media

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Terrorism and Media
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Terrorism is a global issue of concern. The growth of technology and the internet has increased terrorist activities. The terrorists have used the media as an asset and tool for their activities. As terrorism increased from 2001, governments had to design strategies and ways to counter it. Investment of significant efforts such as emotional, financial, and political is a major part of countering terrorism all around the globe. Counter-terrorism takes place from all the levels: local, regional, national and international. Most of these efforts and strategies by national security teams pertains countering violent extremism (CVE). These actions help in reducing resilience amongst the terrorist and decreasing the number of vulnerabilities resulting from terrorist activities (Elshimi, 2018).
Role and relationship of Media and Terrorism
The role of media in terrorism is enormous. The role the media plays is countering terrorist activities has not been exhaustively covered. This included film, print, and television media. The integration of digital media: social media, games, apps and the internet have increased the influence media has on terrorism. At first, the notion was that media would help counter terrorism by drawing awareness and spreading information on how to eliminate it. Transmission of messages through different media platforms regarding identifying an…

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