Technologies Do Not Isolate People.

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Technologies Do Not Isolate People.

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Tutor’s Name
Technologies Do Not Isolate People.
Hello, all who have made it to this venue today. I would like to thank you for coming and to assure you that by the end of the session you will go back with a lot of valuable knowledge about technology.
It is inarguable that scientists and engineers have conducted several kinds of research on the importance of technology. 97% of the studies which have been conducted show that technologies have promoted interaction, and therefore social cohesion (McNaughton and Light 107). Through the advent of technologies such as the internet, mobile phones, laptops, and other computerized devices, people have managed to interact easily while in distant places from each other. This has boosted positive relationship among people of different geographical locations.
Social media platforms such as Facebook, Tinder, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and others have also encouraged communication. These sites have made it easy for people to meet online and discuss various issues. For instance, political campaigns, religious campaigns, human rights campaigns and other forms of campaigns have been conducted using technologies such as television, YouTube and on other social media platforms. It has been easy for the people and agencies advocating for equality, political change and other society morals to reach people and pass their messages.
Through the opening of social media pages, these people have managed to a…

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