Systems Of Linear Equations

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Systems Of Linear Equations

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Mathematics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Systems of Linear Equations
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Systems of Linear Equations
The system has three variables if it has three quantities like X, Y, and Z. The quantities that applied in the equations can be utilized in real-life situations (Systems of linear equations in three variables, 2018).
1. Jane has a portfolio investment of $17,000 that she has decided to invest in three separate portfolios. The stakes are subdivided into savings, bonds and money markets each are resulting in annual interest payment to her. The stakes are; a savings account earning 6% in annual interest rate, a bond investment which at the end of the year attracts an interest of 9%, and a stake in the money markets that gives her a return of 11%. The annual interest, when totaled for both investments, results in a gain of $1540. Also, the amount that she has invested in bonds is three times more than the stake put savings account. Calculate the amount that Jane has invested in each of the accounts?
Savings = x
Bonds = y
Money markets = z
X + y + z = 17,000
0.06x + 0.09y +0.11y = 1540
-3x + y = 0
Step Two – Addition
X + y + z = 17,000 (o.11)
0.06x + 0.09y +0.11y = 1540
(0.11X + 0.11y + 0.11z = 1870)

(0.06x + 0.09y +0.11y = 1540) = 0.5x + 0.2y = 330
Step three – Addition
0.5x + 0.2y = 330
-3x + y = 0 (0.2)
= 0.5x + 0.2y = 330
-( -0.6x + 0.2y) = 0
= 0.11x = 330/0.11 = 33000/11 = 3000
X = 3000
Y = 9000- y = o
y= 9…

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