Supply Chain Processes

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Supply Chain Processes

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Public Administration

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Important Supply Chain Processes
As a supply chain manager, understanding and appreciating the different organizational processes that are involved in the full success and prosperity of the business is of the fundamental essence. Two of the major operations that are very relevant and related to the supply chain field is planning and procurement. This essay seeks to discuss how the two processes promote the work integration and general increase in output and sales.
Planning entails every form of prosperity and success since nothing can happen without a proper schedule and plan. It is the formulation of supply chain strategies which are both short- term and long-term that in the end affect the sales in a business. Designing the network of the customer base, making proper market research of the demand that is present ion the worldwide market, and even being able to predict the future anticipations of customers; all lie under the planning process (Prajogo 225). Considering an example of the international company like Nokia, their successful supply chain can greatly be attributed to the well managed and efficient planning in the distribution and transportation logistics that are meant to make their products available to their consumers worldwide.
Other than planning, procurement is a necessary tool in the supply chain department. The process involves the acquisition of raw materials and any other goods and services which might be of need by the …

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