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Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Summarizing as a Strategy in Learning
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Thematic units are the content that is used to structure and organize learning activities for students. They are based on the school curriculum. Through these units, learners can gain skills and information needed (Taylor, 1982). Many teachers choose these thematic units to apply to the background of the learner. Therefore they are themes according to their interests. There are many reasons as to why these units are used in a classroom setup.
First, they assist a learner with connecting with the lesson being studied. They represent the connection between the drawing and the real world. Additionally, thematic is a way of advancing the curriculum. They integrate the processing of words and instill creative skills to the learners (Meinbach et al., 2000). Also, they build classroom culture in the sense that, the students have a choice of what they are going to study. The use of collaborative learning makes the students collaborate with their teachers. Furthermore, the use of thematic themes creates a variety of lessons. Experience has shown that an all rounded student is a product of using these units. In this case, the students can be creative, authentic and in by so doing, making the learning activities fun.
For example, summarizing is a strategy that is used by teachers to discern the most important ideas in a literal text. More importantly, teachers implore the use of summary as it helps…

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