Street car named desire

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Street car named desire

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Streetcar named desire

Streetcar named desire

The author depicts the Van Gogh picture to highlight the sophistication that the poker players sought to portray. Such paintings show some level of social status that the men at the table wanted to convey. The use of primary colors aimed to depict the sense of authority and power that surrounded Mitch, Pablo, Steve, and Stanley (Williams, 1947). The primary colors radiate the most, and that makes them the center of attention.
Mitch and Blanche show some sexual tensions. The two appear to discuss the safety of Stella but instead, fill the conversation with flirting. For example, Mitch asks Blanche to have a cigarette with him amidst the chaos and Blanche answers that did even have the appropriate dress (Williams, 1947). The two complement each other occasionally.
The two sisters, Blanche and Stella, share a complicated relationship. They show concern for each in times of trouble such as during Stanley’s violent streak. However, they also remain dishonest to each other. Blanche lies of her romanticism ideals and makes Stella look like a confused lover (Williams, 1947). Stanley and Stella share a love-hate relationship where they fight and reconcile each time.
Blanche depicts Stanley as an animal. Stella’s sister creates the image of a savage. She paints him as a heartless human being. Blanche tries to persuade the sister that Stanley did not fit the description o…

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